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King Long "Intelligent Drive" System Profits Transport Enterprises

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King Long "Intelligent Drive" System Profits Transport Enterprises

Jun 28 , 2022
For passenger transport enterprises, "oil-saving" is the everlasting topic, especially in the oil-price-rocketing-era. Sun Zhenqing, President of Shanxi Yuncheng Transport Company with over 3500 vehicles and annual income of RMB 300 million Yuan, is also concerned about the problem.

In February, President Sun decided to equip the King Long "Intelligent Drive" system for trial, after he heard the system could help save 10% of oil.

King Long XMQ6129Y5 with Intelligent Drive System

King Long XMQ6129Y5 with Intelligent Drive System

Taking 12-meter XMQ6129Y5 for instance, oil consumption of the bus without King Long "Intelligent Drive" system is 24.5L/100km, being 22L/100km with the system. The max oil-saving rate is 10%.

From April 17th to May 8th, President Sun asked the driver to test the system with another two buses and the oil-saving rate is 9.35% and 8.35% respectively.

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